Our Board-Certified Trucking Attorneys Can Stand Up For You!


If your loved one or client has been injured in a tractor-trailer crash, it is essential they seek representation by a Team that is Standing By to Stand Up! Our Board-Certified Trucking Lawyers at CR Legal Team are here 24/7 365 to serve those who have suffered these catastrophic injuries. CR Legal Team has more Board-Certified Trucking Attorneys than any other law firm in the Carolinas.

Why Should You Hire or Refer to a Board-Certified Trucking Lawyer?

Trucking cases are not the same as auto accident cases. Trucking cases require a deep and intricate knowledge of Federal regulations, a clear understanding of specific insurance issues, and a keen identification of the entities at fault. The ability to successfully navigate these areas comes with education, certification and experience. When a lawyer attempts to handle a trucking case without exposure to these concepts and without time to master them through experience, it is extremely difficult to achieve the maximum result possible for the case.

Hiring a Board-Certified Trucking Lawyer can set your mind at ease and allow you to focus on dealing with the aftermath of the crash, navigating medical treatment, or, tragically, grieving the loss of a loved one. Board certification requires rigorously tested experience and knowledge, and helps the victim receive competent care, capable representation and just compensation.

What Is the FMCSA and Why Is Knowledge and Understanding of It Important?

The United States government established the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration on January 1, 2000 pursuant to the Motor Carrier Safety improvement Act. The FMCSA’s stated mission is to “save lives and reduce crashes and injuries by advancing large truck and bus safety through collaboration, education, research, technology and compliance” (FMCSA 2021 Strategic Plan). The FMCSA issues guidelines and guidance to promulgate requirements for truck companies, their drivers, and the entire transportation cycle to safely move commerce around the country and abroad. These rules are the minimum safety standards for motor carriers and their drivers. Deep knowledge of these rules is required to litigate Trucking claims as a lawyer and failure to properly understand the rules can lead to cases being dismissed or forced to resolve for far less than full value.

Big trucking companies have lawyers on standby around the country to jump into action the second a truck wreck is reported to immediately control the investigation of the case. Some of these defense law firms have “Rapid Response Teams” to provide 24/7 emergency response to the site to gather evidence, to take driver and witness statements, and to manage the interaction with law enforcement. In other words, the truck company often has a lawyer on the scene the very day or even hour the wreck happened, and they are often way ahead of the law firm ultimately hired to represent the victim. While the victim is being flown to the hospital, in surgeries, or worse, the truck company is working hard on their defense of the case with their lawyers, engineers, and rapid response personnel. With the deck already stacked against the victim, it’s imperative they have a knowledgeable and experienced attorney on their side to push back on the defense and hold the truck company motor carrier, broker, shipper, or loader, accountable for the harm they caused. This is where a Board Certified Trucking Lawyer can add real value and give peace of mind to the person or family going through this terrible ordeal.

Trucking cases often involve complex liability issues, such as determining fault among multiple parties, including drivers, motor carriers (trucking companies), brokers, shippers, freight forwarders, and sometimes even cargo loaders. A board-certified trucking lawyer is trained to spot these issues and act accordingly. We may need to employ engineers, logistics experts, trucking safety experts, fleet management experts, human factors experts, accident reconstructionists, life care planners, economists, and other specialties to properly present the case. Even the insurance companies and defense attorneys know which law firms are aware of these complexities and value cases accordingly as a result of that awareness. A Board-Certified trucking lawyer’s honed knowledge allows us to identify and leverage critical details that might be overlooked by a general practitioner, significantly enhancing the chances of a favorable outcome.

You Deserve Justice.

CR Legal Team has more Board-Certified Trucking Lawyers than any firm in North Carolina and South Carolina. We even have lawyers here at the firm who took time out of their careers to earn their Commercial Driver’s License to better understand the trucking cases we handle. We will dedicate the resources it takes to win these cases and will fight tirelessly to achieve justice for your unique case.

Give us a call at (888) THE-TEAM or visit us at CRLegalTeam.com. Our Board-Certified Trucking Attorneys are Standing By to Stand Up For You!
