Likes vs. Life

Social media is an incredible tool that connects us with our communities and has the power to positively change our lives.

We share news, videos, ideas, and more through platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. With one viral video, businesses can skyrocket to success. The right post on LinkedIn can even jump-start your career. Food content creators like Keith Lee can affect how a restaurant performs for the next few months and beauty creators like Mikayla Nogueira can influence what you purchase on your next shopping trip. It is no secret, however, that social media can also change how we feel about ourselves in a negative capacity. 

When you’re a social media manager, your job is to create highly engaging content that furthers your brand awareness. This role allows you to tell compelling stories that not only intrigue potential clients and consumers but also educate and inspire your online community. Every day, you are tracking how many views, likes, and comments you get on the posts you create. While it may not be your personal identity you are putting out to the world, it is still work that you put time and effort into.  When a post performs well, dopamine releases and you can feel like you’re on top of the world. When a post does not perform well, you can feel a sense of failure, anxiety, and even embarrassment. Social media managers face unique challenges because they must constantly engage with social media, exposing themselves to societal stresses that others can often avoid during their workday.  

As the Social Media Manager at CR Legal Team, I battle these feelings on a day-to-day basis. Working for a law firm that has such a positive impact on people’s lives, I am highly motivated to also achieve that impact through my work online. It is extremely empowering to foster our virtual community and initiate conversations surrounding the legal industry. It is especially empowering that I get to do it for an organization that aligns with my own personal morals and values. When I fall short of a goal I set for myself, such as reaching 10,000 views on a TikTok or gaining 100 new followers on Instagram, I experience personal disappointment. I tend to measure my own success as an employee through the success of a post. When experiencing these feelings of self-doubt, I am lucky enough to have a wonderful Team that builds me up and reminds me that self-worth does not come in the form of shares and comments, but through dedication and the willingness to keep moving forward. Creating content for this firm continues to fuel my passion for making a difference, and I would never want to give that up.  

At CR Legal Team I strive to connect with others online through legal education, health, wellness, and safety tips or just funny and relatable Tik Toks. I can't predict what will resonate with our followers on any given day, but I continue to create content that ultimately spreads the word about how our firm is advocating for our clients and our communities.  

When you feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable in real life, you normally know that it’s okay to walk away from the situation. The same can be done for social media. Turn off notifications and take time to be present with those around you. Give yourself time for your mind (and eyes) to relax. If your feed evokes negative emotions, it might be time to unfollow some people and find accounts that make you feel cheerful and upbeat.  Remember, social media at its core is about making connections so be sure that those connections make you feel refreshed, positive, and inspired.  

Stay updated with our Team on all social media platforms @CRLegalTeam! 

CR Legal Team Social Media
