Does Size Matter?

There seems to be an endless discussion these days in the legal advertising industry about what matters.

Experience? Results? And yes, Size?

Does Size Matter?

It turns out that ALL these things matter for one reason – Because YOU MATTER. This is something we figured out more than 30 years ago at CR Legal Team and we never looked back. With millions of dollars in settlements for our clients, thousands of five-star reviews, hundreds of years of combined legal experience within our Team and 35 years in the legal industry, in the end – everything comes down to just one focus – YOU.

Experience matters to you as a client or referral partner.

At CR Legal Team, we have hundreds of years of combined legal experience. These are years we have spent perfecting our craft together with many of the same Team Members. It is unusual to say the least for a personal injury firm to thrive for more than 30 years – but at CR Legal Team we are doing just that. It turns out that shared goals, shared commitment and shared success- combined with clear vision, a solid strategy and a great deal of integrity come together to create something truly special. We know who we are and we know what matters – our Clients.

Results matter to you as a client or referral partner.

In the world of personal injury, life changes suddenly and unexpectedly. At our firm, we understand that our clients are thrown into a new and uncertain reality. Life rarely looks as it did in the moments before an accident. Physical, mental and financial injuries change people and they often find themselves down a road from which they can never return. At CR Legal Team, it is our goal to walk our clients through these uncertain times and to work toward results that allow them to see a path forward. We help them navigate their medical management and help them get the maximum recovery for their case. We are well equipped to do that because of our numerous years of experience in this area. Yes - if you have been the victim of negligence, if you are hurting and if you are trying desperately to find a path forward – results matter a great deal.

And oh yes – Size. Does it matter?

It turns out that it does matter, but maybe not in the way you think. The size of a law firm should matter very little when choosing someone to represent you or your referred client. The size of law firms or other businesses can change on a monthly (sometimes weekly) basis. Although at CR Legal Team, our number of Attorneys and overall Team Members has stayed roughly the same or have grown over the years, many law firms are not that fortunate. The size of a law firm does not translate, in any way, into experience and results.

There are, however, at least two areas where size matters a great deal in a law firm – the size and depth of commitment to getting justice for their clients and the size and depth of heart it takes to get there. Those things may seem so simple and, yet it is rare that a personal injury legal team does it successfully for 35 years. We have done it and will continue to do it for one reason – YOU.

If you or your clients need help, reach out today to Experience the Power of CR Legal Team. Call (888) THE-TEAM or visit
